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It all started with a phone call

Day Of Caring Helpers

Dickinson College Students and neighbors helping

Dickinson Students doing Ground Penetrating Radar . Even on a rainy day!

We are always looking for helpers

Boy Scouts and volunteers hard at work


Audience at the Virtual Tour given at the Amelia S Givin Library
May 6, 2019

Fall 2019
Volunteers prep the Church for winter

A Special Thank You to American Legion Post 674, Mt. Holly Springs for the Christmas wreaths placed on the 7 USCT Veterans.

Johnson Family Cemetery marker.
This cemetery is older than the
Mt. Tabor cemetery.

Dickinson College helping us mark our graves.

Thank you to the following for the donations and installation of the flagpole
in our cemetery. We now have a flag flying over the graves of our Veterans:

Sunrise Rotary of Carlisle, PA
Borough of Mt. Holly Springs, PA
Senator Mike Regan
David Toner
MTPP volunteers
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